
ʱ�䣺2018-02-10 ��ҫͷ��
��www.unjs.com - ѧ���ǿ⡿


����the introduction to a self-help book is almost always a spoiler: in the chapters that follow, you, the reader, will learn how to get a promotion, make a better first impression, save your marriage, or lower your cholesterol. this will lead to happiness.


����the antidote diverges from this theme. in the first chapter, author oliver burkeman explains that after years of reporting on the field of psychology, he has concluded that "the effort to try to feel happy is often precisely the thing that makes us miserable." armed with this thesis, burkeman sets out to explore various alternatives to this effort, which he calls the negative paths to happiness.

���������ⶾ�����޷����ܻ���˼ά������λ���ҹ���( the antidote: happiness for people who can't stand positive thinking)һ�����������ⱳ�����ۡ��ڵ�һ���у����߰��������������ͳƣ��ڴ����˶�������ѧ����ı���֮�����ó���һ����ۣ����ܶ�����£�ϊ����ҹ��ж�������ŭ��ǡǡʹ��������ʹ��֮�с�����������۵㣬����������̽�����ֲ�ͬ������ŭ��������������������ϊͨ���ҹ�������·����

����he asks questions. are these negative paths too extreme for the average person to implement? can a successful reorientation to a negative path be achieved gradually (i will try to accept humiliation as inevitable), or does it have to be sudden and drastic (i will actively humiliate myself, over and over, in order to diminish my ego)?


����the antidote has been reviewed several times over the course of the past few months. in an effort to separate my review from the others, i'm tempted to talk about myself. like many recent college graduates working as underpaid interns, i sometimes feel out-of-sorts. reading this book on my morning commute convinced me that failure is both inevitable and beneficial. but to dwell on my personal circumstances would be to fall into a trap that this book manages, effortlessly, to avoid.


����in a chapter titled "the hidden benefits of insecurity, " burkeman describes the human tendency to avoid insecurity and uncertainty at all costs. "but in chasing all that, " he adds, "we close down the very faculties that permit the happiness we crave." here you might expect burkeman to discuss the time he took an unfulfilling job that promised economic security, or the time he turned down a trip to spain because he didn't speak spanish. instead he quotes the 20th century catholic monk and mystic thomas merton, author of the seven story mountain: "the truth that many people never understand, is that the more you try to avoid suffering, the more you suffer, because smaller and more insignificant things begin to torture you." burkeman speaks to his audience in a way that establishes trust. he is a dutiful researcher and a listener. he quotes experts.

�����ڡ�����ȫ��dz�ںô���(the hidden benefits of insecurity)����½��у����������������಻ϧһ�д��ۣ��������ⲻ��ȫ�кͳ�ȷ���ե����򡣡�����׷��������щŀ��ĺ����у���������˵��������ǡǡ�ر�������ʹ���ǿ������ҹ���ϊ���ܵĺ��ܡ��������˴��������Ԥ�ڲ��������������ĺ��������������¹�һ�ݲ����ġ���ӧ�û�������ð�ȫ�еĺ�����ҳ�����ڲ���˵�������������һ��ȥ���������еļ��ᡣ����û�с���������20����������ɮ�¡����߲�ɽ��(the seven story mountain)һ�����ߡ����ص�����˹ĭ�ٵ�һ�λ�����һ����������ôҳ�㲻���׵���ʵ�ǣ�խ���������ܿ࣬�ͻ�����խ��ŀ��ѣ���ϊһщ����������΢�����������ὺʼ��ĥ�㡣����������һ���ܹ��������θеķ�ʽ���������ڹ�ͨ������һλ��ְ���о��ߣ�һλ�����ߡ����������ģ���ר�ҵ������

����this is how we get to know burkeman -- as a curious journalist rooting around for an argument, not as a born-again guru who uses his own story of suffering and healing to prove the validity of his personal brand of self-improvement. in each chapter he sits down with someone who has dedicated his or her professional life to exploring a particular negative path to happiness. he punctuates each interview with clear prose about human traits that make a negative path to happiness difficult to adopt. for example, in a chapter on methods for embracing failure, he writes bluntly that "perfectionism, at bottom, is fear-driven striving �� [at] its extremes, it is an exhausting and permanently stressful way to live."


����in the chapter on the danger of setting too many goals, burkeman recounts meeting a man named steve shapiro in a bar in the west village. shapiro is a consultant who travels around the country hosting self-help seminars for business audiences. unlike most consultants, shapiro preaches against goal setting. he found this calling at a time when his obsession with career advancement had ruined his marriage. he argues that once you abandon the five-year-plan approach to life and business, you immediately have more focus and energy for the present moment. pretty soon you are spending more time with your family and performing better at work.

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